Alex Winner
This is me, when I won my first tennis tournament of two.
I was a young promise of tennis, but two operations to the head killed my dream.

? Saturday Morning Smile, Happiness, Your Agency and More…

But before we jump into today contents, let’s get a quick recap!

Previous Great Products

My Cookbooks Empire (WSO OF THE DAY!)


Intant Profits Machine

Saturday Morning Smile!


4 Ways to Protect Your Business From Security Breaches

7 Secret Recipes for Guaranteed Success

Yesterday it was a day of full happiness, as WSO Of The Day don’t happen so oftenly here… And especially when you launch a cooking book in a forum made for internet marketing! I’m not one of the rich guys, but I love doing marketing through my experiences, not just as a machine for doing money. I try to help my family in need, and if I have something to put away for the future, I try to do it. Cookbooks Empire touched 410 sales, and that makes me incredibly happy (it’s not my best WSO Of The Day, but the culprit here is Warrior Forum that gifted me the WOTD 8 hours after the normal time (so I lose 8 hours of sales.) Anyway I’m happy, because my cookbook guide conquered the world, for one day 🙂 and I tell you no one bet on his winning.

This is Charlie Chan (Warner Oland, the first and best actor in this role)

Yesterday I was able to run the videorecorder, and I watched 2 hours full-time of my videos when I travelled to Kenya with my family (it was 24 years ago…) with many good memories from my past. Then I watched a Charlie Chan movie recorded by my grandfather eons ago, and it was a very sweet sensation. It was “Charlie Chan and The Golden Eye”, see if you find it somewhere, they are better TV series than most out today.


“Agency Masterclass” is a great training released by Eric Louviere and William Fletcher, two guys I generally support on their launches. This is a 3 hour masterclass on how to open your digital agency, with no need to open a new shop, luckly!

Inside the membership area you will get access to 17 videos, recorded live for you. This is the knowledge and experience of Eric, given to you in the most easy way, ready to be absorbed to go over your roadblocks and finally get a chance to become a full agency owner, with all its advantages.

You will learn how to brand your agency, how to get known in the market as a solid presence, and how to be right there in the right moment to get awesome deals. This is advanced local marketing, but made incredibly easy for anyone, including who have never tried before.

In short, you will learn how to run your digital agency, how to let others find customers for you, how to close deals with up to 50 customers per year (there’s a lot of cash here…), how to set you apart from competition, and all the hidden tips and tricks you must know to get your first client in less than a week. And getting a single client here means like working full-time on the web for 6 months…

This “Agency Masterclass” is something new, never seen before and comes from a 5-star offline marketer that is ready to tell you all the truth, and support you on your growth. This could be without any doubt your best purchase in 2017. Pure gold, easy and completely step by step.

Click here to visit “Agency Masterclass”!

Thanks so much and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni







