In the morning, what’s the first thing you check on the phone?

Your emails, right?

That’s because emails have now become a part of our lives, and guess what?

They’re equally vital for business success!

Now, let’s talk numbers.

Do you know that email marketing has an astounding average ROI (Return on Investment) of 3800%?

Yes, you read that right – 3800%! That’s like turning $1 into $38.

But it’s not just about the numbers.

Emails allow you to connect with clients on a personal level, and so these help in building trust and loyalty. In fact, studies show that personalized emails generate up to six times higher transaction rates!

And when you add the power of email automation to this, the email game goes to the next level.

By automating your email campaigns, you can save time, streamline processes, and reach your audience at the right moment, increasing engagement and conversions.

Emails and Rule of 7

Emails are the only free tool that helps in following the ‘Rule of 7’.

Do you know what is it?

This is a marketing term that means your customers have at least 7-time exposure to your product/services before they decide about making purchases.

Emails give you that power where you connect to your potential customers at a very economical rate, compared to media advertising. Emails provide a number of ways to engage customers in your business. You can..

  • Announce the launch of a new product
  • Send weekly or monthly newsletter
  • Inform about special discounts
  • Build trust by sending awareness emails


Here are the 7 email secrets you MUST follow to boost your CTR and sales.


1.   Create A Swipe File


This is the best piece of advice you’ll get out of this article. And it’s dead simple.

Create an email folder to collect all the emails you receive that have exceptional subject lines and preheaders.

This is called a swipe file.

It’s a personal library of amazing emails so that when you are writing your own emails, you have an “Idea Bank” to reference.

Remember, the best copywriters get ideas from other great writers and build upon them. You should do the practice too.


2.   Don’t Get Caught in Spam

It is impossible for people to open your email if it’s going into spam.

Spam filters are intended to help people avoid inboxes filled with shoddy emails. But sometimes, email campaigns with the best intentions get caught.

So, what to do? How to avoid this?

Pro Tips

Here’s a list of the things you need to do to avoid that garbage chute.

> Don’t play tricks. Trying to cover up the unsubscribe button or putting “Re:” or “Fwd:” in the subject line. These mischievous actions are practically guaranteed to land you in the spam folder.

> Always add appropriate alt text on your images. Include an address and ‘from’ name in your email.

> And here’s the big one: Test everything.

Want to know if your email is going to go to spam? Simply send a test email to yourself and a few friends and ask them where it went.

If it goes to spam, adjust what you think might have caused it and try again. There’s nothing better than knowing for sure.


3.   Choose The Best Email Marketing Tool

There are a lot of tools – and each email marketing tool has its pros and cons. Some get caught in spam more easily than others. Some allow for segmentation and a/b testing. Others don’t.

All of these factors play into the potential open rate you can achieve.

Using an email marketing tool that fits your brand personality and has the features you need is vital to increasing your open rate. is an email marketing tool that is absolutely phenomenal. I have been using it for years and found it very easy and super functional. It’s non-techy and user-friendly. Also, the prices are economical compared to other big names.


4.   Segment Your List

You’ve probably heard of list segmentation.

Segmentation seems a technical term, but it’s quite simple to understand.

It’s just assessing the behavior of your subscribers and making their categories based on those behaviors.

For example, if a group of people on your email list haven’t opened the past 10 emails, you may make a segment of them that they are inactive.

Similarly, if another group of email subscribers opens and clicks through nearly every email, they might go into a segmentation meant to upsell.

In other words, the emails that people on your list receive are behaviorally specific to each person.

If you’re serious about increasing your email open rate, it’s a necessary step.


5.   Resend Campaigns to Inactive Subscribers

We all are busy and often forget things.

Many of our subscribers are inactive just because of that.


It’s easy. Remind them the reason why they join your list.

You can increase the open rates of your email campaigns by doing this simple step.

But you have to maintain a fine balance here.

If you resend too many campaigns, this will increase the risk of a high unsubscribe count. Never resend and you’re missing out on a portion of your audience that simply keeps forgetting to open your email.

Pro Tips:

These are the rules you should follow in this regard:

> Only resend email campaigns a full day after the original was delivered. No sooner. No later.

> Only resend each campaign one time maximum.

> Resend only those campaigns that you think are vital for your audience. Don’t resend everyday newsletter.

> When you do resend, change the subject line to something more compelling. Something like, “You just missed this…” or “I really don’t want you to miss out on this.”

> Resend your campaigns, but don’t overdo it.


6.   Find The Ideal Frequency

Data says it all.

Email your list too much and your open rate will plummet. Email them too little and they’ll forget you exist.

Unfortunately, finding the perfect email frequency is easier said than done.


Because that “perfect” frequency varies from list to list. It varies based on what your subscribers expect from you, how they think about you, and the quality of your emails.

This goes without saying, but make sure to find the correlation between open rate and email frequency. This will help inform you of the appropriate frequency for your list.

Pro Tips

Here are a few ways to use the frequency based on your list segmentation:

> Decrease email frequency for people who rarely open your emails.

> Increase email frequency for people who open most of your emails (segment them separately).

> Create a survey and ask your list how often they wish to receive your emails. Then place each subscriber in an appropriate segmentation.

> Find the sweet spot for your list and your open rate will automatically increase.


7.   Find The Best Time Of Day

Much of email marketing comes down to timing.

The best time of day to email, depending on your audience, is mostly the same across the board.

If you have an audience of Nurses who work night shifts, then the optimal email time might change.

Generally, according to a study, the best time to send email to your list is around 11 AM and 2 PM.

As for the day, it changes every now and then. In general, it’s either Friday or Tuesday.

Send when people are most likely to open your emails or you’re doing yourself and your subscribers a disservice.


Final Words

These email tips are the secret recipe for your business success.

Whatever your goals are, boost sales, get leads, and connect with the audience, emails are an essential part of your business success. So, never fear experimenting with them, and also have a close look at what other experts are doing.

It’s important to note that along with these tips, it’s essential to create a meaningful message and build genuine relationships with your audience.

If at any point, you need a helping hand, don’t hesitate to reach out.

We’re all in this together, striving for greatness one email at a time.